Today I would like to introduce you to the classification of medical harnesses.
Medical harnesses are mainly used for medical equipment or ambulance lines, medical harnesses can be divided into the following types: 1, medical equipment with lines; 2, non-invasive monitoring medical harnesses; 3, invasive surgical medical harnesses; 4, transfusion and infusion level harnesses. The material requirements of medical harnesses are different for different medical use levels
1. Wires used inside medical devices
Must meet ROHS requirements and not contain phthalates. The product must be reliable in use. 2.
2. Non-invasive monitoring medical harnesses
In addition to the above requirements, the product must be resistant to abrasion, pulling and other external forces, corrosion by common medical disinfection solvents, and pass certain biological toxicity tests and skin allergy tests. There are also requirements for bending, voltage resistance, and interference resistance.
3. Invasive surgical medical harnesses
In addition to the general environmental protection requirements, they are required to have biological compatibility, pass biological toxicity tests, skin allergy tests, be resistant to sterilization by ethylene oxide, isopropyl alcohol, alcohol and other sterilization solutions, pass the FDA exudation resistance test, and service life reliability tests.
4. Blood transfusion and infusion grade medical harness
In addition to biological toxicity, skin allergy, and biological compatibility, the reaction between infusion products and plastic additives must be considered, and different formulations are required for different liquids. Depending on the length of the infusion, the requirements for the material are also different.