Zycort Injection 100mg

Zycort Injection 100mg

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Replacement therapy for adrenocortical failure or hypopituitarism. Prior to dental surgery, or if shock, severe trauma, illness or other stress conditions occur. Supplemental doses for congenital adrenal hyperplasia, status asthmaticus, allergic & anaphylactic reactions, ulcerative colitis, soft tissue or joint inflammation, collagen & dermatological diseases, hypercalcaemia associated w/ cancer.
Adult & adolescent Initially 100-500 mg IM/IV over 30 sec-10 min, may be repeated every 2-6 hr. Maintenance dose: Not <25 mg daily. Anaphylactic shock 100-300 mg IV. Paed Adrenocortical insufficiency 186-280 mcg/kg or 10-12 mg/m2 daily in 3 divided doses. Other indications 20-120 mg/m2 every 12-24 hr.
Drug interaction
Severe hypokalaemia w/ K-depleting diuretics. Increased risk of arrhythmias or digitalis toxicity associated w/ hypokalaemia w/ digitalis glycosides. Increased blood glucose conc w/ anti-diabetic agents eg, sulfonylurea or insulin. Increased risk of GI ulceration or haemorrhage w/ alcohol or NSAIDS. Increased/decreased effect of coumarin- or indandione-derivative anticoagulants, heparin, streptokinase or urokinase. Increased risk of developing viral disease w/ live virus vaccines or other immunizations. Decreased corticosteroid effect w/ liver enzyme-inducing drugs eg, rifampicin, ephedrine, barbiturates, phenytoin, phenobarb & primidone. Increased excretion & reduced salicylate plasma conc. Concomitant use w/ acetaminophen; aminoglutethimide; parenteral amphotericin B or carbonic anhydrase inhibitors; anabolic steroids or androgens; anticholinergics eg, atropine & related compd; TCAs; estrogen-containing OCs; folic acid; other immunosuppressant agents; INH, mexiletine; iophendylate or metrizamide; mitotane; nondepolarizing neuromuscular-blocking agents; pancuronium; K supplements; ritodrine; Na-containing medication or foods; somatrem or somatropin; streptozocin.

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