Cabrio Duo
Cabrio Duo ialah racun kulat daripada kumpulan methoxycarbamate yang bertindak secara sistemik untuk mengawal penyakit tanaman.
Metiram ialah racun kulat daripada kumpulan ‘dithiocarbamate’ yang bertindak secara sentuhan dan perlindungan.
- Duo protection – to prevent the invasion of diseases and prevent the spread of diseases.
- Broad spectrum disease prevention: Cabrio Duo provides effective protection.
- Long duration protection : longer protection by Cabrio Duo means less number of sprays.
- Green foliage: Cabrio Duo treated plant remains green for longer period time. This translates into 1-2 extra pickings.
- Prevents fruit drop : fruit drop is a problem in fruit tree. Cabrio Duo help to retain the fruit.
- Spotiess fruits : Cabrio Duo treated fruits do not have spots near the pedical.
- AgCelence Effect: uniformity of fruits, good leaves, good fruits, higher yield.