Technical parameters of the instrument:
RS 485 Interface:
Receiver-Input Resistance:96 kΩ
Devices on bus: max. 256 (1/8 Unit Receiver Load)
Measuring parameters:
Ambient temperature(RTD sensorPt1000/3850ppm):
Measuring range:-30 to+125 °C
Resolution:0.1 °C
Accuracy:± 0.4 °C
Relative humidity(reading is temperature compensated atentire temperature range):
Measuring range: 0 to 100 %RH(see Transmitter installation)
Resolution: 0.1 %RH
Accuracy: ± 2.5 %RH from5 to 95 %RH at 23 °C
The value computed from air temperature and relative humidity:
Absolute humidity
Range:0 to 400g/m3
Accuracy:±1,5g/m3at air temperature T < 25°C(104 °F),
Dew point temperature
Range:-60to +80 °C(-76 to 176 °F)
Accuracy:±1.5 °C (±2,7°F) at ambient temperature T < 25°C (77°F)and relative humidity RH>30%,
Specific humidity
Specific humidity
±2g/kg at air temperature T < 35°C
0 to 550
Accuracy:±2g/kg at air temperature T < 35°C(95°F)
Range : 0 to 550g/kg
Specific humidity
The valuescomputed from ambient temperature and relative humidityincluding their accuracy you can exactly determine by the program Conversions. It is free to download at
Response time with stainless steel mesh sensor cover (F5200) and bronze sensor cover (F0000 -selectable option), air flow approximately 1 m/s:temperature: t90 < 9 min (temperature step 20 °C) relativehumidity: t90 < 30 s (humidity step65 %RH, constant temperature)2
This value depends on the barometric pressure. If device doesn’t support pressure measurement, then constant value stored inside device memory is used. Default value preset by manufacturer is 1013hPa and can be changed by user’s software.3 This maximum is reached under conditions about 70°C/100%RH or 80°C/70%RH IE-SNC-T3413(7)-0811
Recommended calibration interval:1 year
Measuring interval and LCD display refresh:0.5 sPower:9 to 30 Vdc
Consumption: max. 0.5W
Protection of the case with electronics and terminals: IP65
Protection of the sensor cover: IP40
Filtering ability of the sensor cover: 0.025 mm
Measuring temperature and humidity range is limited in accordance with the graph below!
Operating conditions:Operating temperature range of case with electronics: -30 to +80 °C, over +70°Cswitch LCD display OFF Operating temperature range measuring tip with sensors: -30 to +125 °C Operating relative humidity range: 0 to 100 %RHOuterinfluenceinaccordancewithCzechNationalStandard33-2000-3:normal environment with those specifications: AE1, AN1, AR1, BE1Working position: in air-conditioning duct arbitrary, in free space the steel stem downwards(see Transmitter installation)Electromagnetic compatibility: complies EN 61326-1
Not allowed manipulation: It is not allowed to operate the device under conditions other than specified in technical parameters.
Devices are not designed for locations with chemically aggressive environment.
Temperature and humidity sensors must not be exposed to direct contact with water or other liquids. It is not allowed to remove the sensor coverto avoid any mechanical damage of the sensors.
Storing conditions:temperature -30 to +80 °C, humidity 0 to 100 %RH without condensation
Dimensions: see dimensional drawings 12IE-SNC-T3413(7)-08
Weight:approximately T3417(D)580 g
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