Product Details
The N6715C is a build-to-order system that is shipped as a fully tested and assembled DC Power Analyzer. Each N6715C consists of one N6705C mainframe plus 1 to 4 modules. Modules are ordered as options to the N6715C.
The N6715C DC Power Analyzer is a build-to-order system that is shipped as a fully tested and assembled DC Power Analyzer. Each N6715C consists of one N6705C mainframe (described below) plus 1 to 4 DC Power Modules and up to 600 W total DC Power Module output power. To specify which modules you want installed in the N6715C, modules are ordered as options to the N6715C.
The N6705C DC Power Analyzer provides unrivaled productivity gains for sourcing and measuring DC voltage and current into the DUT by integrating up to 4 advanced power supplies with DMM, Scope, Arb, and Data Logger features. The N6705C eliminates the need to gather multiple pieces of equipment and create complex test setups including transducers (such as current probes and shunts) to measure current into your DUT. The DC Power Analyzer also eliminates the need to develop and debug programs to control a collection of instruments and take useful measurements because all functions and measurements are available at the front panel. For even greater control and analysis functions, the DC Power Analyzer can be used with the 14585A Control and Analysis Software. When automated bench setups are required, the N6705C is fully programmable over GPIB, USB, LAN and is LXI Compliant. 14585A Control and Analysis Software
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The N6705C offers flexible configuration to meet your power sourcing and analysis requirements. The N6705C is a 4-slot mainframe that accepts up to 4 DC Power Modules, and up to 600 W total DC Power Module output power. The modules are ordered separately.
N6705C accepts the same modules as N6700 Modular Power System, with over 30 modules to choose from. Basic sources for the N6705C include: 50 W, 100 W, and 300 W; up to 150 V, up to 50 A. High-performance sources for the N6705C include: 50 W, 100 W, 300 W, and 500 W; up to 60 V, up to 50 A. Precision sources for the N6705C include: 50 W, 100 W, 300 W, and 500 W; up to 60 V, up to 50 A. Source/Measure units for the N6705C include: 20 W; up to 20 V, up to 3 A. Each module includes built-in voltmeter, ammeter, scope, arbitrary waveform generator, and data logger functions.
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