RM 25,800
两晚奠礼服务 于丧府/殡仪馆, 适用于土葬/火葬 (佛教/道教仪式)
2 Nights Wake Services at Residence / Parlour, Suitable for Burial / Cremation Wake (Buddhist / Taoist Ritual)

“静安”,在佛教和道教中,有着重要的内涵,代表着 逝者灵魂的平静、解脱和和谐。“静”引申为内心的 宁静,通过修行,正念来获得平静。“安”则代表着 灵魂的安全和解脱,超越生死的限制,融入宇宙的 和谐之中。“静安”这个名字传达出人们对逝者的祝愿, 希望他们能够在生死的境界中获得真正的安宁, 可以在来世获得幸福、和谐、安康。
“Tranquillity," in both Buddhism and Taoism carries profound significance, embodying the liberation and harmonious state of the departed soul. “Tranquillity" extends to inner peace, achieved through practise and mindfulness. It symbolises the safety and liberation of the soul, transcending the bounds of life and death to
merge with the universe's harmony.
The name "Tranquillity" conveys heartfelt wishes for the departed, hoping they find true serenity in the realm of life and death, and in the hereafter,
discover happiness, harmony, and well-being.
- 追思礼堂使用视届时供应情况而定。
Use of parlour is subject to availability.
- 此殡仪配套不包括福地、骨灰灵位、神主牌 以及墓碑建设。
This package excludes burial plots, cinerary urn compartments, pedestals for ancestral tablets, and constructions of tombs.
- 此配套含佛教/道教仪式。道教仪式只限福建 和广东籍贯, 其他籍贯或地方礼俗收费另计。
This package includes Taoist / Buddhist prayers service. Taoist prayer service is limited to Hokkien & Cantonese native, other native or local customary practice are subject to additional charges.
- 此殡仪配套仅限于巴生谷履约。实际履约范围 为本公司(与本公司合作的联号公司)所设服务 中心为圆心,半径35公里以内为局限(以下 简称“局限范围“)。若超过上述局限范围, 必须依实际距离与服务,额外加付相关费用。
This package shall be exercised strictly in Klang Valley where the location for the funeral service must be within the radius of 35 km (hereinafter referred to as "the Coverage Area") either from Fairy Park Management Berhad (hereinafter referred to as"FPMB") or its associate company's service center. FPMB or its associate company reserved the rights to impose additional charges for funeral services held beyond the Coverage Area.
- 任何由于某些无法预测的缘故或是发生任何超出公司所能控制的情况, 致使指定的灵车或交通工具无法使用,公司将有权以其他运输或交通方式 替代,而无需承担任何责任。
The company shall not be liable for any direct, indirect, or consequential losses in the event that the specified hearse or vehicle is not available as a result of circumstances beyond its control PROVIDED ALWAYS that an alternative mode of conveyance or transport is made available.
- 此殡仪配套及所付款项在任何的情况下都不能退回。
This package or any of the items comprised in the FSP is not returnable for whatsoever reason and the price paid is not refundable.
- 若超过两晚的奠礼服务或另加额外服务及物品,收费另计。
Additional nights of service and/or additional items are subject to additional charges.
- 某些物品仅供租用而已。
Certain Items are ON Rental Basis Only.
- 仙境山庄以外的安息地,若有非此殡仪配套所列的其他安葬相关费用, 请客户直接与该安息地的负责单位洽付。
Any fees related to burial incurred at customer's selected cemetery (hereinafter referred to as “Said Cemetry") other than Fairy Park Memorial Park shall be borne by the customer solely and is payable directly to the Said Cemetry.
- 如对上述条规与条件的中文译本,产生任何诠释上的争论,将以英文 译本为诠释标准。
The terms and conditions in the English language shall prevail over the Chinese language should any conflict arise in the interpretation of the terms and conditions herein.
- 若有关执法单位需要,本公司有权修改有关细则。
The information contained herein is subject to the changes required by relevant authorities.
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