• Low unit loading rate
• If the exhaust temperature is low, corresponding measures should be taken immediately
- Check the oil level frequently for the abnormal rise
- Drain a little lubricating oil from the discharge pipe at the bottom of the cylinder before starting each time
- Try to raise the exhaust temperature (adjust the fan temperature switch, etc.)
1. In the case of low gas consumption or high humidity in the weather, the screw shutdown machine shall be shut down for 6 hours and the condensed water in the oil and gas barrel shall be emptied regularly until the oil is seen to flow out. (how long to discharge once according to the screw machine operating environment).
2. Properly discharge the pressure of the gas storage tank at the rear end, and manually raise the oil temperature to above 80℃ for operation.
3. For users with very small gas consumption, adjust the fan temperature switch, adjust the heat dissipation, and raise the oil temperature (blocking the air inlet or outlet).
4. Check the oil level before starting each time to see whether there is an abnormal rise or oil emulsification, and take corresponding measures immediately in case of an abnormal situation.