Do you only have the standard of Paint for graphic drawing?
Using a lot of images is necessary for online marketing, but your company doesn't have its own designer? Now, the famous image resource website has launched Freepik Picaso, where you just need to doodle randomly to generate the high-quality images you want, without any need for Photoshop!
Doodle-style Image Creation Steps
- Open the following URL:

- Describe the image you want to generate.
- Use your years of Paint Tool skills to doodle away!

- Not satisfied? Drag your doodle to recompose, and the image will regenerate in real time without the need to wait again.
Does your business have a website yet?
Not having a website for online marketing is like working in vain! No matter how many followers you have on any platform, the platform is always owned by someone else, with risks like being banned or the platform shutting down. Only a website is truly yours, and having your customer database in hand is the most substantial. We recommend that you make your website the center of your online marketing and the focal point for traffic redirection.
Click the button below to schedule a free website strategy consultation.