HI8071 Electrolyte Fill Solution, 3.5M KCl AgCl in FDA Bottle (30 mL x 4)

HI8071 Electrolyte Fill Solution, 3.5M KCl AgCl in FDA Bottle (30 mL x 4)

分类: Fill Solutions 当前有货 (数量:1)
RM 437.00 欲了解更多详情,请游览我们的官方网站 hannamalaysia.com


HI8071 is a pH and ORP electrode fill solution that is supplied in a FDA compliant bottles. Each bottle contains 3.5M KCl + AgCl, which is specifically made for single junction electrodes. The electrolyte level in refillable electrodes should be checked before performing any measurements. If the level is low, refill with the proper electrolyte solution to ensure optimum performance. This simple maintenance helps guarantee adequate head pressure to promote the flow of reference electrolyte into the sample being measured.


As one of the most common models of electrodes, the single junction reference electrode is made with a Ag/AgCl wire. The wire is equilibrated in a solution of KCl that is in contact with the sample to be measured, often through a porous junction. As AgCl is soluble in concentrated KCl, the electrolyte must be saturated with AgCl to prevent the plating from dissolving off of the wire. The HI8071 electrolyte solution ensures optimum measurement performance from your pH electrode.

FDA compliant bottle
  • Light blocking bottle to prevent against degradation by UV light


Air tight bottle with tamper-proof seal

  • Ensures quality and freshness of solution

Each bottle marked with lot number and expiration date.
  • Hanna storage solutions are specially formulated to have an expiration of 5 years from manufacture for an unopened bottle.


Description electrolyte solution, 3.5M KCl + AgCl
Package bottles
Size 30 mL
Quantity 4
Certificate of Analysis No


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