Xylocaine Viscous 2 %

Xylocaine Viscous 2 %

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Takeda Pharma Sp. z.o.o
Lidocaine HCl
Surface anesth & lubricant for male & female urethra during cystoscopy, catheterization, exploration by sound, endourethral operations, nasal & pharyngeal cavities in endoscopic procedures (eg, gastroscopy & broncoscopy) during proctoscopy & rectoscopy & tracheal intubation. Symptomatic treatment of pain in cystitis & urethritis. Pain relief after circumcision in childn.
Urethral anaesth Male 20 mL. 30-40 mL in 3-4 portions when anaesth is especially important (eg, sounding or cytoscopy). Female 5-10 mL. Endoscopy 10-20 mL. Total max dose: Lidocaine 400 mg when combined w/ other lidocaine products. Proctoscopy & rectoscopy Up to 20 mL for anal & rectal procedures. Total max dose: Lidocaine 400 mg. Lubrication for endotracheal intubation 2 mL to surface of tube.
Drug interaction
Patients receiving agents structurally related to local anaesth, drugs that reduce clearance of lidocaine eg, cimetidine & β-blockers.

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