Feather/Fur/Skin Enhancer 50g (dog, cat, rabbit, guinea pig, bird, pet)

Feather/Fur/Skin Enhancer 50g (dog, cat, rabbit, guinea pig, bird, pet)

分类: Animal Supplements 当前有货 (数量:21)
RM 15.00 欲了解更多详情,请游览我们的官方网站 wondershop.com.my


Sesuai bagi burung/kucing/anjing/arnab
#bird #cat #dog #guineapig #rodent
Balanced formula enhancing fur, pores and skin, thus preventing split ends and dryness.
Strengthen immune system, prevent claws dryness, prevent dry nose, anf prevent group barbering
Kandungan: Vitamin E, Protein, Copper Sulfate, Mag Sulfate, Ferrous Sulfate

Ideal for birds, guinea pigs, rabbits and rodent
Net content: 50g
For pet below 6kg, sprinkle 1-2g
Above 6kg, sprinkle 3g

Storage: below 27 degree celcius and keep dry

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Wonder Pet House
Wonder Pet House Pet Products Supplier, Health Supplements Supply, Crystal Berry Distributor in George Town, Penang, Malaysia | Wonder Pet House