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BUY DAC7811IDGSRG4 https://www.utsource.net/itm/p/11701274.html

Parameter Symbol Conditions Min Typ Max Unit
Supply Voltage VDD 2.7 5.5 V
Output Voltage Range VOUT RSET = 50kΩ, VREF = 2.5V 0 2.5 V
Reference Input Voltage VREF 0 5 V
Digital Input Voltage VIN 0 VDD V
Output Settling Time tS 1 LSB Step, VOUT = 0.1% Final 8 μs
INL (Integral Nonlinearity) INL GND ≤ DAC Code ≤ Full Scale -1 +1 LSB
DNL (Differential Nonlinearity) DNL All Codes -1 +1 LSB
Power Dissipation PD VDD = 5V, Full-Scale Output 30 mW

Instructions for Use:

  1. Power Supply:

    • Ensure the supply voltage (VDD) is within the range of 2.7V to 5.5V.
  2. Reference Voltage Setup:

    • Connect an external reference voltage (VREF) between 0V and 5V to achieve the desired output voltage range.
  3. Digital Input Configuration:

    • Apply digital input signals within the range of 0V to VDD. The DAC7811 supports a parallel interface for data entry.
  4. Output Configuration:

    • The output voltage (VOUT) can be adjusted by configuring the resistor (RSET). For optimal performance, use a 50kΩ resistor with a 2.5V reference voltage.
  5. Timing Considerations:

    • Account for the output settling time of 8μs when designing circuits that require rapid changes in output voltage.
  6. Linearity Calibration:

    • Check and calibrate for Integral Nonlinearity (INL) and Differential Nonlinearity (DNL) errors as specified to ensure accurate analog output.
  7. Power Management:

    • Be mindful of power dissipation, especially at full-scale output, to avoid overheating. The device dissipates up to 30mW at VDD = 5V.
  8. Installation and Handling:

    • Handle the DAC7811 with care to avoid ESD damage. Follow standard procedures for surface-mount devices during installation.
(For reference only)

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