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Parameter Conditions Min Typ Max Unit
Input Voltage (VIH) High-level input voltage 3.0 - VDD V
Input Voltage (VIL) Low-level input voltage 0 - 1.5 V
Output Voltage (VOH) High-level output voltage VDD-0.4 - VDD V
Output Voltage (VOL) Low-level output voltage 0 - 0.4 V
Propagation Delay Time (tpd) High-to-low, low-to-high - 27 80 ns
Power Supply Voltage (VDD) Operating 3 - 18 V
Power Dissipation Maximum - - 100 mW
Operating Temperature Range Junction temperature -40 - 85 °C

Instructions for CD40106BCM

  1. Power Supply:

    • Ensure the power supply voltage (VDD) is within the operating range of 3V to 18V.
    • Use appropriate decoupling capacitors close to the VDD and GND pins to minimize noise.
  2. Input Signals:

    • Apply input signals that respect the specified high (VIH) and low (VIL) input voltage levels.
    • Avoid applying voltages outside the VDD and GND rails to prevent damage.
  3. Output Load:

    • Ensure the load connected to the output does not exceed the maximum current capability of the device.
    • Consider using external pull-up resistors if interfacing with logic requiring higher output levels.
  4. Propagation Delay:

    • Account for the propagation delay when designing timing-sensitive circuits.
    • Typical delay is around 27ns, but can extend up to 80ns depending on conditions.
  5. Temperature Considerations:

    • Operate the device within the specified junction temperature range (-40°C to 85°C).
    • Provide adequate heat dissipation if operating near the upper temperature limit.
  6. Handling:

    • Handle the device with care to avoid electrostatic discharge (ESD) damage.
    • Follow standard ESD protection guidelines during assembly and handling.
  7. Storage:

    • Store in a dry environment and follow manufacturer recommendations for long-term storage.

This table and set of instructions provide essential information for the proper use and integration of the CD40106BCM into electronic designs.

(For reference only)

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