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Parameter Symbol Conditions Min Typ Max Unit
Supply Voltage Vcc Operating 4.5 20 V
Gate Charge Qg VDS = 600V, ID = 1A 37 nC
Propagation Delay Time tpd VGS = 12V 38 ns
Rise Time tr VGS = 12V 20 ns
Fall Time tf VGS = 12V 20 ns
Maximum Output Current IOMAX Continuous 4.5 A
Operating Junction Temp Tjop -40 150 °C

Instructions for FAN73892M:

  1. Supply Voltage (Vcc):

    • Ensure the supply voltage is within the range of 4.5V to 20V for reliable operation.
  2. Gate Charge (Qg):

    • The gate charge is specified at a drain-source voltage (VDS) of 600V and a drain current (ID) of 1A. Use this value for calculating drive requirements.
  3. Propagation Delay Time (tpd):

    • The propagation delay time is measured with a gate-source voltage (VGS) of 12V. This parameter is crucial for timing considerations in your circuit design.
  4. Rise and Fall Times (tr, tf):

    • Both rise and fall times are specified under the condition of VGS = 12V. These parameters help in determining the switching speed and potential switching losses.
  5. Maximum Output Current (IOMAX):

    • The device can provide up to 4.5A continuously. Ensure that your application does not exceed this limit to avoid damage.
  6. Operating Junction Temperature (Tjop):

    • The operating junction temperature range is from -40°C to 150°C. Design your thermal management system to keep the junction temperature within these limits.

For detailed specifications and additional information, refer to the official datasheet provided by the manufacturer.

(For reference only)

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