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BUY LM6172IM/NOPB https://www.utsource.net/itm/p/12609595.html

Parameter Symbol Conditions Min Typ Max Unit
Supply Voltage Vcc Operating Range 2.7 - 5.5 V
Input Voltage Range Vcm V- ≤ Vcm ≤ V+ V- - V+ V
Output Voltage Swing Vo RL = 1 kΩ to V+ V- + 0.2 - V+ - 0.2 V
Bandwidth BW G = +1, RL = 1 kΩ - 160 - MHz
Slew Rate SR - 300 - V/μs
Large Signal Bandwidth G = +1, RL = 1 kΩ - 140 - MHz
Unity Gain Frequency fT - 800 - MHz
Input Offset Voltage Vos Ta = 25°C - 0.5 - mV
Input Bias Current Ib Ta = 25°C - 20 - nA
Input Capacitance Cin - 3 - pF
Power Supply Rejection PSRR f = 1 kHz - 95 - dB
Common Mode Rejection CMRR f = 1 kHz - 95 - dB

Instructions for LM6172IM/NOPB

  1. Supply Voltage: Operate within the specified voltage range of 2.7V to 5.5V to ensure optimal performance and reliability.

  2. Input Voltage Range: Ensure that the input common-mode voltage (Vcm) stays within the supply rails (V-) to (V+) to prevent damage or unreliable operation.

  3. Output Voltage Swing: The output can swing close to the supply rails but typically leaves a small margin (0.2V). Adjust external components accordingly.

  4. Bandwidth and Slew Rate: For applications requiring high-speed signal processing, consider the large signal bandwidth (140 MHz) and slew rate (300 V/μs).

  5. Unity Gain Frequency: This parameter is crucial for stability considerations in feedback configurations; it should be noted when designing circuits.

  6. Offset Voltage and Bias Current: Low input offset voltage (0.5 mV) and bias current (20 nA) make this device suitable for precision applications.

  7. Capacitance and Rejection Ratios: Use these parameters for noise reduction and ensuring robustness against power supply and common-mode variations.

  8. Installation and Handling: Follow standard ESD precautions during handling and installation to avoid damaging the sensitive internal circuitry.

  9. Application Circuits: Refer to the datasheet application notes for specific circuit configurations and recommendations tailored to your application needs.

(For reference only)

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