

Category: Available (Qty:9999999)
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BUY D8085AHC https://www.utsource.net/itm/p/12610346.html

Parameter Symbol Conditions Min Typ Max Unit
Supply Voltage Vcc Operating 2.0 5.0 5.5 V
Input Low Voltage VI(L) IIL = 1.0mA -0.5 0.8 V
Input High Voltage VI(H) IIH = 20μA 2.0 5.0 5.5 V
Output Low Voltage VO(L) IO = 4.0mA 0 0.4 0.5 V
Output High Voltage VO(H) IO = -0.4mA 4.7 5.0 V
Propagation Delay tpd VCC = 5V, TA = 25°C 9 13 ns
Power Consumption ICC VCC = 5V 60 μA

Instructions for D8085AHC:

  1. Power Supply: Ensure the supply voltage is within the specified range (2.0V to 5.5V). The typical operating voltage is 5V.
  2. Input Signals: Apply input signals ensuring that low levels do not exceed 0.8V and high levels are at least 2.0V for reliable operation.
  3. Output Signals: When sourcing or sinking current, ensure the output voltages stay within the specified limits to avoid damage to the device.
  4. Propagation Delay: Account for a typical propagation delay of 9ns under standard conditions (VCC = 5V, TA = 25°C).
  5. Power Consumption: The device typically consumes around 60μA. Ensure your power supply can handle this load.
  6. Operating Temperature: While not explicitly listed, ensure the ambient temperature does not exceed the maximum ratings as specified in the datasheet.
  7. Handling: Use appropriate ESD protection when handling to prevent damage from static electricity.
(For reference only)

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