Below is a simplified representation of the parameter table and instructions for the PIC16F628A microcontroller. For comprehensive details, refer to the official Microchip Technology datasheet.
Parameter | Symbol | Min | Typ | Max | Unit | Condition |
Supply Voltage | VDD | 2.0 | - | 5.5 | V | Operating |
Supply Current (Sleep) | IDD | - | 1 | 3 | μA | Sleep Mode |
Supply Current (Active) | IDD | - | 3 | 6 | mA | Active Mode |
Clock Frequency | fOSC | - | - | 20 | MHz | Internal Oscillator |
EEPROM Write Time | TWR | - | - | 10 | ms | Typical |
Flash Program Memory | - | 2 | - | Kbytes | ||
Data EEPROM Memory | - | 128 | - | bytes |
Instruction | Mnemonic | Description | Cycles |
No Operation | NOP | Do nothing | 1 |
Load Literal W | MOVLW k | Load literal into W register | 1 |
Move from File | MOVF f,d | Move data from file register to W or d | 1 |
Complement File Reg | COMF f,d | Complement file register | 1 |
Increment File Reg | INCF f,d | Increment file register | 1 |
Decrement File Reg | DECF f,d | Decrement file register | 1 |
Add W to File | ADDWF f,d | Add W register to file register | 1 |
Subtract W from File | SUBWF f,d | Subtract W register from file register | 1 |
And W with File | ANDWF f,d | Logical AND of W register with file register | 1 |
Exclusive Or W with File | XORWF f,d | Logical XOR of W register with file register | 1 |
Test Bit in File | BTFSC f,b | Skip next instruction if bit in file is clear | 1/2 |
Test Bit in File | BTFSS f,b | Skip next instruction if bit in file is set | 1/2 |
Branch | GOTO k | Jump to address | 2 |
Call Subroutine | CALL k | Call subroutine | 2 |
Return from Subroutine | RETURN | Return from subroutine | 2 |
Return from Interrupt | RETFIE | Return from interrupt | 2 |
Note: The actual datasheet contains more detailed information on all parameters, including absolute maximum ratings, electrical characteristics, and a complete list of instructions with their opcodes and addressing modes.
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