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BUY PIC16C72A-20I/SP https://www.utsource.net/itm/p/12610581.html

Parameter Description
Device Type 20-Pin CMOS EEPROM/EPROM Flash Microcontroller
Package Type PDIP (Plastic Dual Inline Package)
Operating Voltage (Vdd) 2.0V to 5.5V
Clock Speed Up to 20 MHz
Program Memory Size 1K x 14 (EEPROM/EPROM)
Data RAM 68 x 8
I/O Pins 16
Timers 1 x 8-bit Timer
Interrupt Sources RB Port Change, TMR0 Overflow, EE Write Complete
Oscillator Types LP, XT, HS, EC, INTRC
Power Consumption Low power consumption in Sleep mode
Temperature Range -40°C to +85°C
Programming Method In-Circuit Serial Programming (ICSP), External Parallel Programming

Instructions for Use:

  1. Power Supply Setup:

    • Ensure Vdd is within the specified range of 2.0V to 5.5V.
    • Connect Vss to ground.
  2. Oscillator Configuration:

    • Choose an appropriate oscillator type based on application requirements (LP, XT, HS, EC, or INTRC).
    • Connect external components as necessary for the chosen oscillator type.
  3. Port Initialization:

    • Configure I/O pins using TRIS registers to set direction (input/output).
    • Initialize port states using PORT registers.
  4. Timer Setup:

    • Configure Timer0 using T0CON register for desired operation mode and prescaler settings.
  5. Interrupt Handling:

    • Enable interrupts globally using GIE bit in INTCON register.
    • Set up individual interrupt sources by configuring corresponding bits in INTCON and PIE registers.
  6. Programming:

    • Use ICSP for in-circuit programming or external parallel programmer for initial code loading.
    • Follow manufacturer’s guidelines for programming EEPROM/EPROM memory.
  7. Low Power Operation:

    • Enter Sleep mode using SLEEP instruction to reduce power consumption.
    • Wake up from Sleep mode via interrupts or watchdog timer timeout.
  8. Data Retention:

    • Data EEPROM retains data even when power is off, useful for non-volatile storage needs.

Ensure all connections are secure and follow proper PCB layout guidelines for optimal performance.

(For reference only)

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