Category: Available (Qty:9999999)
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BUY LM239AQDRG4Q1 https://www.utsource.net/itm/p/12611266.html

Parameter Symbol Conditions Min Typ Max Unit
Supply Voltage Vcc 2.0 36 V
Input Offset Voltage Vios -0.5 +0.5 mV
Input Bias Current Iib 20 100 nA
Input Voltage Range Vin Common Mode Vee-0.3 Vcc+0.3 V
Output Short-Circuit Continuous Yes
Output Low Level Vol RL=2kΩ 0.08 0.4 V
Output High Level VoH RL=2kΩ, C=0pF Vcc-0.7 Vcc-0.1 V
Slew Rate SR 0.3 0.5 V/μs
Power Consumption Ptot All Outputs High 9 mW
Operating Temperature Temp -40 125 °C

Instructions for LM239AQDRG4Q1:

  1. Power Supply: Ensure the supply voltage (Vcc) is within the range of 2.0V to 36V. The device can operate over a wide range but must not exceed these limits.

  2. Input Signals: Keep input signals within the common-mode input voltage range to avoid damage or incorrect operation. This range is from Vee-0.3V to Vcc+0.3V.

  3. Output Load: For optimal performance, connect a load resistor (RL) of 2kΩ when testing output levels. Ensure the output does not remain short-circuited for extended periods.

  4. Temperature Considerations: Operate the device within the temperature range of -40°C to 125°C. Outside this range, performance and reliability are not guaranteed.

  5. Handling Electrostatic Discharge (ESD): The device is sensitive to ESD; handle with appropriate precautions to prevent damage.

  6. Mounting and Storage: Store in a dry environment and mount on a PCB following standard practices to ensure thermal and electrical performance.

  7. Testing and Troubleshooting: Refer to the datasheet for detailed test conditions and troubleshooting tips if the device does not perform as expected.

(For reference only)

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