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BUY PIC16F1503-I/P https://www.utsource.net/itm/p/12611743.html

Parameter Description Value
Package Type - PDIP-8
Operating Voltage (Vdd) Minimum operating voltage 2.0 V
Operating Voltage (Vdd) Maximum operating voltage 5.5 V
Operating Temperature Range Commercial 0°C to +70°C
Operating Temperature Range Extended -40°C to +85°C
RAM Size Bytes of Data Memory 192 bytes
EEPROM Size Bytes of EEPROM 256 bytes
Flash Program Memory Words of Program Memory 4K (12-bit wide)
I/O Pins Number of I/O pins 6
Oscillator Types Supported oscillator types LP, XT, HS, INTRC
Timer/Counters Number of Timer/Counters 2 (TMR0, TMR1)
Communication Interfaces Available interfaces MSSP for I2C and SPI
Analog-to-Digital Converter (ADC) Number of channels 10 channels
ADC Resolution Bits of resolution 10 bits
Comparator Modules Number of comparators 2
Brown-out Reset Feature availability Yes
Watchdog Timer Feature availability Yes
Low-Voltage Programming Feature availability No
Code Protection Feature availability Yes

Instructions for PIC16F1503-I/P:

  1. Power Supply Connections:

    • Connect Vdd to the positive supply voltage (2.0V to 5.5V).
    • Connect Vss to ground.
  2. Oscillator Configuration:

    • Select the appropriate oscillator type using the configuration bits in the configuration word.
    • For internal oscillator operation, ensure the INTOSC is enabled via the configuration settings.
  3. Programming:

    • Use an external programmer compatible with the Microchip PIC devices.
    • Ensure correct selection of programming voltage and clock speed as per datasheet specifications.
  4. Reset Pin:

    • The MCLR pin can be used as a reset input or configured as a general-purpose I/O pin by setting the appropriate configuration bit.
  5. Analog Inputs:

    • Configure the ANx pins as analog inputs using the ADCON1 register.
    • Enable the ADC module and set up the channel selection before initiating conversion.
  6. Digital I/O:

    • Set the TRIS registers to configure pins as input or output.
    • Use PORT registers to read/write data to/from the I/O pins.
  7. Interrupts:

    • Configure the interrupt enable and priority registers to manage interrupts from various sources such as timers, change notification, etc.
  8. Timer Setup:

    • Initialize Timer0 and/or Timer1 by setting up the corresponding control registers (T0CON, T1CON).
    • Configure prescaler if needed for desired timing intervals.
  9. Comparator Operation:

    • Set up the comparator modules using CM1CON0 and CM2CON0 registers.
    • Choose the positive and negative inputs and output configurations as required.
  10. Communication Interface:

    • For SPI/I2C communication, initialize the SSPSTAT and SSPCON registers.
    • Set baud rate and mode according to protocol requirements.
  11. Code Protection:

    • Enable code protection through the configuration bits to prevent unauthorized access to program memory.
  12. Brown-out Reset:

    • Enable this feature via configuration bits to ensure proper reset when the supply voltage drops below a safe level.

For detailed setup and specific instructions, refer to the official Microchip PIC16F1503 datasheet.

(For reference only)

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