

Category: Available (Qty:9999999)
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Parameter Symbol Min Typ Max Unit Description
Supply Voltage VDD 1.8 - 3.6 V Operating supply voltage range
Supply Current (Active) IDD - 2.5 - mA Typical supply current in active mode
Supply Current (Sleep) IDD - 0.1 - μA Typical supply current in sleep mode
Output Power POUT -17 - +10 dBm Transmit output power range
Receive Sensitivity RSSI -110 - -90 dBm Receive sensitivity for data rates
Frequency Range fRANGE 240 - 960 MHz Supported frequency range
Modulation Schemes MOD - - - - FSK, GFSK, MSK, OOK
Data Rate DR 0.15 - 300 kbps Supported data rate range

Instructions for SI4421DY

  1. Power Supply Connection:

    • Connect the VDD pin to a stable power supply within the range of 1.8V to 3.6V.
    • Ensure adequate decoupling capacitors are placed close to the VDD pin.
  2. Initialization:

    • Use SPI interface to initialize the device with appropriate configuration settings.
    • Configure operating parameters such as frequency, data rate, and modulation scheme via SPI commands.
  3. Transmit Operation:

    • Set the device into transmit mode using the appropriate SPI command.
    • Provide the data to be transmitted through the SPI interface.
    • Monitor the status registers to ensure successful transmission.
  4. Receive Operation:

    • Switch the device into receive mode using SPI commands.
    • Continuously monitor the RSSI register to detect incoming signals.
    • Retrieve received data from the FIFO buffer using SPI read commands.
  5. Sleep Mode:

    • Enter sleep mode by sending the corresponding SPI command to conserve power.
    • Wake up the device by sending an activation command when needed.
  6. Interrupt Handling:

    • Configure interrupt pins to handle events like packet reception or transmission completion.
    • Implement interrupt service routines to manage these events efficiently.
  7. Error Checking:

    • Utilize error-checking mechanisms like CRC for reliable data transmission.
    • Check status registers periodically to diagnose and correct errors.
  8. Antenna Connection:

    • Connect an appropriate antenna that matches the operating frequency range.
    • Ensure proper impedance matching to optimize performance.

For detailed specifications and advanced configurations, refer to the official datasheet provided by the manufacturer.

(For reference only)

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