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BUY TEXAS INSTRUMENTS TLC2272IDR https://www.utsource.net/itm/p/12612353.html

Parameter Symbol Conditions Min Typ Max Unit
Supply Voltage VCC Operating 2.7 6.0 V
Input Offset Voltage VIO VCC=5V, TA=25°C 1.0 4.0 mV
Input Bias Current IB VCC=5V, TA=25°C 35 125 nA
Input Voltage Noise Density en VCC=5V, f=1kHz 8 nV/√Hz
Slew Rate SR VCC=5V, RL=2kΩ 0.3 V/μs
Bandwidth BW VCC=5V, G=+1, VO=1VP-P 1.1 MHz
Quiescent Current IQ VCC=5V, TA=25°C 350 700 μA

Instructions for Use:

  1. Power Supply: Ensure the supply voltage (VCC) is within the specified range of 2.7V to 6.0V.
  2. Input Signals: Keep input signals within the common-mode input voltage range to avoid distortion or damage.
  3. Biasing: Be mindful of the input bias current when designing circuits; it can affect the accuracy of the output if not properly accounted for.
  4. Noise Considerations: The input voltage noise density should be considered in applications where low noise is critical.
  5. Slew Rate and Bandwidth: Design your application considering the slew rate and bandwidth limitations to ensure proper operation at higher frequencies.
  6. Quiescent Current: Account for quiescent current in power budget calculations, especially in battery-operated devices.

For detailed specifications and further instructions, refer to the official Texas Instruments datasheet for the TLC2272IDR.

(For reference only)

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