Electrolysis Mould Cleaner - XUE
XTS’s XUE Mould Cleaner is an effective cleaner for all sorts of steel, precision parts, metal moulds, insert and ejector pins.
This machine removes stains, Ionic Contaminant and dirt from mould even hard areas that hard to be reached. It does not affect or damage the surface of the parts being cleaned.
Our XUE Mold Cleaner is fully constructed by stainless steel with built-in filtration system. XUE Mould Cleaner also comes with Ultrasonic and Electrolysis that offer you more effective cleaning. Direct replacement to somax Mold cleaning machine.
We are targeting Plastic injection mold, Aluminium Die Casting Mould, Stamping Mould and etc.
Special Chemical for Electrolysis

Promoclean TP 125ES is an efficient medium for removing stubborn deposits on steel, stainless steel, martensitic or austenitic stainless and refractory alloys, magnesium, titanium and its alloys. This cleaning solution is proven to be excellent in cleaning moulds with extremely fast effect with XUE Mould Cleaner.
Please contact us for South East Asia Market, Malaysia, Vietnam, Indonesia, Thailand, Philippines
, Singapore, Brunei, Laos, Myanmar and Australia for more information.
我们的XUE模具清洁剂完全由具有内置过滤系统的不锈钢制成。 XUE模具清洁剂还带有超声波和电解功能,可为您提供更有效的清洁效果。直接替换为somax模具清洗机。
当社のXUEモールドクリーナーは、ろ過システムを内蔵したステンレス鋼で完全に構成されています。 XUEモールドクリーナーには、より効果的なクリーニングを提供する超音波および電気分解も付属しています。 somaxモールド洗浄機への直接交換。
#Australia #NewZealand #Malaysia #马来西亚 #マレーシア #moldcleaner #模具清洁剂 #モールドクリーナー
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