Test Report No. CRSSA/190718243-CA16963
Date: 26th July 2019
Test Results :PASS
US FDA 21 CFR 176.170 (Paper and Paperboard) – Determination of Amount of Net Chloroform Soluble Extractives
Method : With reference to US FDA 21 CFR 176.170.
ExtractantsTest Condition Result (mg/inch2)
Reporting Limit (mg/inch2)
Permissible Limit (mg/inch2)
Distilled Water 70°F for 48 hours ND*0.2 0.5
Sample Description: PAPER STRAW – 200pcs
Note :
1. mg/inch2 = milligram per square inch
2. °F = degrees Fahrenheit
3. ND = Not Detected
4. * = Chloroform soluble extractives test was not performed as total extractives result is less than the permissible limit
5. Test condition and extractant were specified by client