Program overview DUNGSWhirlWindSystem® 9 - 1 000 kW
Technical Description
Integrated gas-air system with high power density based on DUNGS zero pressure multiple actuator MBC to EN 161 for modulating or multi-stage mode:
- Pneumatic integrated system comprising zero pressure mode and integrated signal gain possible
- Inlet pressure
pmax 65 mbar (6.5 kPa)
MBC-WND 120 - 1 200:
pmax 100 mbar (10 kPa)
- Modulation range up to 1:10
- Breaks up fl ow pattern and reduces resonances
- Off set correction of gas/air ratio at servo regulator
- Limits maximum fl ow by a low hysteresis fl ow restrictor, injector requires no replacement for different gas families
- Implemented by adapting system components and optimising to specifi c application and design requirements.
For pre-mix burners and forced-draft burners.
Suitable for gases to EN 437 and other gaseous inert media.