
Pure honey - Golden is honey that collected by bees in a variety of plants nectar.
Health Benefits : -
- Contains enzyme which can help the body digestion and absorption, promote the body's metabolism.
- Contains minerals such as magnesium and other nutrients which can improve sleeping and sedation.
- Can improve nervousness.
- Reduce stress and relieve mood.
- Can improve the loss of calcium and prevent osteoporosis in the elderly.
- Contains sugar (glucose) to help the growth of probiotics, regulate gastrointestinal function, promote intestinal peristalsis, help to removes body unwanted feces.
- Contains effect of sterilization, can sterilize oral/mouth and wounds. When dealing with wounds, it can be painted at the affected area to reduce the leakage and pain, promote wound healing and prevent wound infection.
- Anti-inflammatory effect; it is effective to treat cough, dry cough, moisturizing sore throat, reduce tracheal inflammation.
* 杂花蜜含有酵素成分,它可以帮助人体消化吸收,促进人体的新陈代谢。
* 含有矿物质如镁等营养成分能改善睡眠与镇静的作用。失眠的人如果每天在睡觉前食用杂花蜜(加入温水内),能够帮助改善睡眠。
* 能缓解神经紧张。
* 能减轻压力,舒缓情绪。
* 能改善钙的流失,并防止中老年人引起的骨质疏松。
* 含有糖粉(葡萄糖)有助于益生菌生长,调节肠胃功能,促进肠道蠕动,帮助润肠排便,对肠胃健康很有帮助。
* 有杀菌的效果,常常食用不但对牙齿没影响,而且还能在口腔内起到灭菌消毒的帮助。当处理伤口时,也能把杂花蜜涂在患处,它能减少渗出、减轻疼痛,促进伤口愈合,以及防止伤口受感染。
* 有消炎的功效;对咳嗽、干咳无痰有效,还能滋润喉痛、减少气管发炎。
* 润肺止咳;对咽炎、气喘都有效。
食用方法:早晚各一次,成人:2汤匙; 小孩:1汤匙。
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