The UTC TL594 is a PWM (Pulse Width Modulation) control circuit, incorporating two error amplifiers, an on-chip adjustable oscillator, a DTC (Deadtime Control) comparator, a pulse-steering control flip-flop, a regulator rated 5V with 1% accuracy, an UVLO (Undervoltage Lockout) control circuit and an output control circuit. The two error amplifiers have a common-mode voltage varies from -0.3 V to VCC-2 V. The DTC comparator with a fixed-offset offers dead time nearly 5%. The UVLO circuit forbids the output until the internal circuitry is operational. The internal oscillator is used to drive the common circuits in synchronous multiple-rail power supplies, when be bypassed by terminating RT to the reference output and providing an external input of sawtooth to CT. The uncommitted output transistors have the capabilities of either common-emitter or emitter-follower output. The output control can select the push-pull or single-ended output operation for each device. This chip is not allowed to appear the double pulse status for either output during push-pull output operation due to its structure. The UTC TL594 is generally used for the power supply control circuits, which apply to a large area.
* Adjustable dead time
* Uncommitted outputs transistor rated to 200mA sink or source current
* Single-Ended or Push-Pull operation selected by output control
* Double pulse is not allowed at either output due to its architecture
* 5V Internal reference voltage (1% accuracy)
* UVLO under the low VCC status