Rooted in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) principles, our specialists utilize Meridian Channels and Acupuncture concepts to stimulate reflex points on the face, eyes, ears, and neck, activating Qi (life energy) and promoting blood flow. This holistic approach seeks to balance the body's energy, boost overall health, and support natural organ functions by stimulating points believed to correspond with various organs and body systems according to TCM.
Through gentle pressure and specialized techniques, Healthy Face Meridian works to foster harmony and well-being across the body, mind, and spirit. It’s essential to note that TCM practices should be conducted by trained and qualified practitioners, adhering to established guidelines and safety protocols.
Key Problems :
How the Treatment Works:
The Face Meridian technique utilizes a specialized tool to apply gentle pressure and rhythmic strokes across the face. This process enhances blood circulation, promotes lymphatic drainage, and removes accumulated toxins, leaving the skin healthier, rejuvenated, and glowing.
Treatment Steps: