Chemours Opteon YF (R-1234YF)

Chemours Opteon YF (R-1234YF)

Category: Opteon Available
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Opteon™ YF the Sustainable, Low GWP Auto Air Conditioning Solution

Opteon™ YF provides the optimal balance of performance, sustainability and safety.

U.S. and EU regulations have created the need for a high-performing, low global warming potential (GWP) refrigerant solution. Opteon™ YF (HFO-1234yf) meets the challenge.

Automotive air conditioning units using Opteon™ YF technology achieve required performance levels, exceeding expectations and helping put customers out in front of environmental regulations. The lasting benefits include:

Opteon™ YF cools like HFC-134a in automotive air conditioning system, but with a much lower GWP–even lower than CO2. The breakthrough Opteon™ chemistry provides low GWP benefits and retains other important properties including comparable capacity and energy efficiency, low toxicity, and zero ozone-depletion potential.

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