
Category: Eyes, Ears, Nose And Mouth Available
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Glaucoma is a common eye disease with harm and high blindness rate. It usually occurs in the middle and old people between 45 and 70 years old. The key to the treatment of glaucoma is to reduce intraocular pressure, and a scientific diet can also effectively reduce the risk of glaucoma.

Constipation is also very harmful to people with glaucoma, because constipation can cause body poisoning. Intestinal bacterial toxins will dissolve the intestinal endothelium and cell matrix, affect normal blood circulation, and cause increased intraocular pressure.

1. Suggestions on dietary life:

1. Eat more foods rich in dietary fiber, such as coarse grains, vegetables and fruits, kelp, etc. Because dietary fiber can prevent constipation.
2. Eat plant-based oils in moderation, such as peanut oil, soybean oil, sesame oil, and rapeseed oil, which can improve intestinal lubricity and prevent constipation.
3. Quit smoking and alcohol, do not drink strong tea, coffee and other beverages.
4. Drink about 1200ml of water every day. Do not drink a lot of water at one time to avoid excessive intraocular pressure.
5. Because honey is a high-osmotic agent, it can change the osmotic pressure of blood and intraocular aqueous humor, thereby reducing intraocular pressure. It is recommended that the daily amount of honey for acute glaucoma patients is 100ml; the daily amount of honey for chronic glaucoma is 150ml.
6. Foods for diuresis and dehumidification can be included in the daily diet, such as columbine, chixiaodou, wax gourd (with skin), wild vegetables, loofah, etc.
7. Rest before 23 o'clock every day to ensure 8 hours of sleep every day
8. Develop good eye use habits and don't work with your head down for a long time
9. Pay attention to eye hygiene. Do not read under strong light, do not work or stay in dark rooms and low light conditions.
2. Examples of recipes:
1. Lotus Seed Lily Drink: 30g of lotus seed meat, 30g of lily, add appropriate amount of water, simmer, mix with honey, take it before going to bed, one cup a day.
2. Wheat and dates soup: 50g of huai wheat, 10 red dates, add water to decoction, 2 times a day, take it in the morning and evening, eat dates and drink soup.
3. Wolfberry Cassia Soup: Ginseng 15g. 9g achyranthes, 15g medlar, 9g cassia. Decoction to remove slag, and take it with honey, one dose per day.
3. Exercise recommendations:
1. Don't do strenuous exercise, such as playing ball, jumping aerobics
2. Can not do long-term bowing, bending, squatting exercises, so as not to aggravate the condition
3. Can walk, jog, swim, Tai Chi, etc.

4. [Dietary supplement recommendation]
1. Lutein

Lutein is the main pigment in the macular area. It is a photosensitive material on the retina, which can effectively absorb blue and ultraviolet light damage to the eye and inhibit the occurrence of eye diseases. Lutein is the only carotenoid component that can be found in the lens of the eye. It is also a special high-quality antioxidant, which can resist the damage of cells and organs caused by free radicals in the human body and prevent the deterioration of the body. Every day we open our eyes is a process of consumption of lutein, many eye diseases have a great relationship with the lack of lutein. Lutein cannot be synthesized in the human body and can only be ingested from diet. In daily diet, lutein can only be ingested 1-2mg a day, which cannot meet the 6-10mg required by the human body every day. Therefore, we need additional lutein supplementation.

2. Astaxanthin
Natural astaxanthin is an antioxidant with high efficiency and excellent performance. It is the strongest antioxidant nutrient in carotenoids. It has both water and oil, and can penetrate three barriers in the human body, including the retina, so it has a good effect on the protection of the eye. It has good conditioning effect on chronic eye diseases and eye sub-health problems.


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