Cleanroom Performace Testing

Cleanroom Performace Testing

Category: Cleanroom Testing and Certification Services Available
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Cleanroom Technology has evolved over the years. With more stringent requirements governing manufacturing products, we have progressed to using higher efficiency filters to satisfy production requirements.

Airborne particulates range in sizes from 0.001 microns to several hundred microns. A typical High Efficiency Particulate Air (HEPA) filter is rated to filter out 99.97% of 0.3 microns (or larger) particles. For higher grade filters, there are Ultra-Low Penetration Air (ULPA) filters that have a minimum efficiency 99.999% at 0.1 microns.

The key to creating and maintaining a clean environment is based on the principles of:

The following tests are performed in accordance with the current edition of NEBB(National Environmental Balancing Bureau) Procedural Standard for Certified Testing of Cleanroom, ISO 14644-3: (2015) and the relevant sections of the Institute of Environmental Science and Technology IEST-RP-CC001.6 (HEPA/ULPA filters), IEST-RP-CC006.3 (Testing Cleanrooms):

And many more…

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