AGT-100f Guard Tour

AGT-100f Guard Tour

Category: Guard Tour - (AGT) Out of stock
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AGT-1000f AGT-1000f           
- pocket size data sensor
- reading capacity: 1,000 records
- 10- years battery life
- warranty: 2 years / 500 AV points
Dimension diameter 18mm, length 90mm, weight (49 g)
Temperature operating temperature -30°C to +60°C, storage temperature -40°C to +60°C
Battery Life 10 years guarantee with 250 readings a day
Storage Capacity up to 5 years or 1,000 Anti-Vandal™ points, warranty depends on the model type
Signalization acoustic, piezo transducer and optical, blue LED
Self-Protection a clever self-protective sensor that can sense who tried to damage the reader and how
Water Resistance up to 1 meter depth of water resistant
Power Surge over-voltage up to 265 V and detect attempt
Short Circuit resistance and detect attempt against intentional attempt and battery life is not reduced
Microwave Radiation resistance and detect attempt
Impact Resistance detect 3 levels of hit intensity: small,medium & strong hit, resist gravitational impact up to 10 G


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