Immigration & Work Pass Services

Immigration & Work Pass Services

Category: Immigration & Work Pass Services Available
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Employment Pass

The Employment Pass (EP) is a coveted work pass in Singapore, tailored for foreign professionals, managers, and executives looking to contribute their expertise to the dynamic landscape of the city-state. This pass offers a versatile pathway for individuals who bring valuable skills and experience to Singapore’s workforce.

Employment Pass Eligibility Criteria

To qualify for the Employment Pass, you must meet specific criteria that showcase your qualifications and your potential contributions to Singapore’s economy:

Company Sponsorship: You need sponsorship from a reputable and well-established Singaporean company. This sponsor is essentially vouching for your suitability for the pass.

Salary Requirements: The Ministry of Manpower (MOM) sets minimum salary thresholds to ensure that EP holders are adequately compensated. The exact threshold varies depending on factors like your qualifications, experience, and the specific role you’ll be undertaking.

Qualifications and Experience: Your qualifications and professional experience play a crucial role in demonstrating your suitability for the EP. The MOM typically requires a minimum level of educational attainment or relevant experience.

Navigating the intricate Employment Pass (EP) application requires expertise and strategy. That’s where we step in:

  • Eligibility Evaluation: We assess your profile meticulously, ensuring EP eligibility based on qualifications, experience, and role.

  • Document Support: We simplify document gathering, organising essential paperwork for a polished application.

  • Strategic Submission: Our seasoned consultants align your strengths with EP criteria, submitting strategically.

  • Monitoring of Application and Updates: Stay informed as we keep you updated on application progress, ensuring transparency.

  • Appeal Support: In the event of complication or rejection, our team will liaise with the authority directly to resolve any issues.


The EntrePass is a type of work pass that allows foreign entrepreneurs to establishing their businesses in Singapore. It is designed to promote innovation and entrepreneurship in Singapore, empowering you to turn your business idea into a reality on Singaporean soil.|

EntrePass Eligibility Criteria:

To successfully secure an EntrePass in Singapore, certain criteria must be met to demonstrate your commitment to innovation and business prowess:

  1. Innovative Ventures: Your proposed business must either be venture-backed or built upon innovative technology.

  2. Business Track Records: A track record of successful business management is essential to showcase your entrepreneurial acumen.

  3. Feasibility Plan: A concise, well-structured 10-page business plan is required to prove the viability of your entrepreneurial endeavor.

EntrePass Assistance: Guiding Your Entrepreneurial Venture in Singapore

For ambitious entrepreneurs looking to establish or relocate their businesses in Singapore, our EntrePass assistance is meticulously tailored to navigate the intricacies of the process. Our comprehensive service covers:

  • In-Depth Business Plan Review: We conduct a thorough evaluation of your business plan, ensuring its viability and alignment with EntrePass requirements.

  • Criteria Fulfillment Support: Our experts guide you through meeting the necessary criteria, ensuring your application stands out.

  • Application Submission and Ongoing Updates: We handle the submission process and keep you informed with real-time updates on your application status.

  • Enhanced Business Plan: Receive expert advice on optimising your business plan for heightened success rates, giving your venture a competitive edge.

  • Appeal Support: In the event of complication or rejection, our team will liaise with the authority directly to resolve any issues.

Dependant Pass

The Dependent Pass Singapore is a type of long term pass suitable for the direct family members of the work pass holder (holding on to Employment Pass or S-Pass). This pass is usually issued the same validity period as the main pass holder and the main pass sponsor must make a minimum monthly salary to be qualified to sponsor he/her dependant. Unlike the Long Term Visit Pass (LTVP),  a Dependant Pass holder can work in Singapore under Letter of Consent (LOC) as long as they have a company sponsor. However, an application for LOC still needs to be filed via an agency or the employer.

Dependent Pass Eligibility Criteria

  • Must be holding either an Employment Pass, PEP, Entrepasss, or S-Pass holders;

  • Earning a fixed monthly salary of 6,000 SGD per month;

  • The application must be sponsored by a registered company in Singapore.

 Types of family members:

i. Legally married Spouse
ii. Unmarried children under 21 years old;
iii. Unmarried adopted children under 21 year old


Personalised Employment Pass

The Singapore Personalised Employment Pass (PEP) is a premium work visa for top-tier expatriates and highly qualified professionals who wish to relocate to Singapore.

With the PEP, professionals can relocate to and work in Singapore for up to 3 years. Unlike the Employment Pass (EP), the PEP is not tied to a single employer.

This means that a PEP holder has the flexibility to switch jobs during the validity of his/her work pass.

Since PEP is awarded based on individual merits, you may apply for the PEP before you are duly employed in Singapore. There is a grace period of six months from the collection of the visa to secure employment.

To qualify, applicants must earn at least S$144,000 per annum.

  • Existing P1 EP Holders: Earn a minimum of S$12,000 per month
  • Overseas applicants: Must not be unemployed for more than 6 months at the time of application; Last drawn monthly salary must be at least S$18,000.

Work Visa Renewals


We will be pleased to assist you with your work pass renewal requirements.

The renewal application for work passes may be submitted to the authority as early as 6 months prior to the expiration date, and is encouraged to be submitted not later than 1 month prior to the expiration date.

Similar to your original application, when the renewal application is approved, the employer will receive an in principle approval letter. There are usually no issues encountered on renewal if you have been dutiful with the conditions of your employment and stay in Singapore and so long as the employer is keen to keep you in its employ.

You may request for a higher validity period for the pass during the renewal process, but the decision on the same is subject to the discretion of the authority. During this time, you can also submit any change in the employment particulars (e.g. change of designation or salary) or personal particulars of the applicant (e.g. travel document number, change in name).

Singapore Permanent Residence

The Singapore Permanent Resident (PR) status opens many doors for its holders. Other than the freedom to travel in and out of Singapore and to switch employers without worrying about affecting the status of your work pass, you can also invest freely, secure admission to subsidized public education institutions, as well as enjoy employer’s contributions to your pension funds.

According to the NPTD’s Population White Paper, Singapore will grant PR status to 30,000 candidates annually.

There are 2 main routes by which a foreigner may successfully qualify for a PR status in Singapore.

  • The PTS Scheme (Professional, Technical Personnel and Skilled Worker) scheme allows skilled workers holding the Entrepreneur Pass (EntrePass), Employment Pass (EP) or S Pass to apply for a PR status in Singapore.
  • GIP (Global Investor Programme) is meant for major business investors. This programme was developed by the Singapore Economic Development Board (EDB) and Ministry of Manpower (MOM).

Schedule your consultation about Immigration & Work Pass Services in Singapore today with DLBC Business Consultancy Pte. Ltd.



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