I used to be a full-time life insurance agent.
As a previous insider, I want to share some insights with you.
Some insurance agents might be offended by what I will tell you.
Do you know that the "best product" for agents to sell is the savings plans?
Ironically, the "worst product" for customers to buy is also the savings plan.
Here is why:
All the above make it much more profitable to market a savings plan than other policies.
It is common for life insurance agents to promote savings plans to the public as a viable vehicle to fund one's lifestyle after retirement.
Occasionally, the savings plans are often branded as 'retirement funds'.
So, would you 'invest' your money into a savings plan?
Once and for all, you can decide wisely whether you should invest your money through these plans.
Check it out with me at consult@sklim.com.my