KOKORO NATURAL Aromatherapy Body Shaping Oil (Body & Massage Oil)

KOKORO NATURAL Aromatherapy Body Shaping Oil (Body & Massage Oil)

分类: Aromatherapy 当前有货
RM 119.00 欲了解更多详情,请游览我们的官方网站 kokoronatural.com

  • Size: 100ml


Price : RM119

The Coffee Experience : Body Shaping Oil
Anti-Cellulite . Detoxifies . Tones & Firms . Smoothing

A Body Shaping massage oil, specially formulated with Coffee Seed oil (Arabica Coffee Seed Oil), known for its detoxifying, anti-cellulite, skin firming and  smoothing, and elimination of orange peel skin. This therapeutic blend of Cypress and Grapefruit combined with warming properties Ginger and Black Pepper will help support healthy circulation and further purify and tonify your body. The antioxidant rich  Sesame Seed, Grape Seed and Sweet Almond oils will nurture your skin whilst making your skin appear revitalize, firm and tight.

It also blended with five (5) incredible essential oils that carries therapeutic benefits with the following skincare properties:
  1. Cypressaid in the removal of cellulite, as well as ease swelling and the heaviness associated with varicose veins.
  2. Gingernaturally warms the skin, supporting healthy circulation and detoxification.
  3. Lemon – stimulate lymph drainage, to rejuvenate energy and purify skin.
  4. Grapefruitpromotes vibrant skin tone and complexion, while its diuretic properties are known to help alleviate water retention.
  5. Black Pepper cleanses  your body which to remove toxins and excess fats, salt, water, urea and uric acid from your body.

KOKORO NATURAL Body Shaping Oil helps:

  1. Reduce the appearance of cellulite
  2. Improve the texture of hips, thighs, bottom/buttock
  3. Tones & firms
  4. Hydrate skin
  5. Smoothen the skin’s micro relief 
  6. Beautifies the silhouette / body shape
  7. Detoxification and eliminate toxic waste from the body
  8. Relief sore muscle
  9. Anti-inflammatory & antioxidants
  10. Promote healthy circulation

SCENT: Warm, Coffee, & Spicy

Apply the massage oil on damp skin after taking a shower or bath as this will lock in the moisture. Apply it to the required parts, massage it until it is completely absorbed.

We recommend perform skin patch testing for skin allergy before using it. External use only. Avoid direct contact with eyes. If contact occurs, rinse well with water.  Keep out of reach of children. Stop using this product if skin irritation occurs or if you suspect an allergic reaction and consult a doctor immediately.

Store in a cool, dry place, Keep away from  direct sunlight.


Suitable for all skin types


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Tango Creative Sdn Bhd
Tango Creative Sdn Bhd Natural Skin Care Selangor, Botonical Soothing Hydration Skin Care KL, Best Natural Skin Care for Dry Skin Malaysia ~ KOKORO NATURAL