AROSPEED Lighten Crank Pulley for Mitsubishi Xpander 1.5 4A91 MIVEC 2017 - Onwards

AROSPEED Lighten Crank Pulley for Mitsubishi Xpander 1.5 4A91 MIVEC 2017 - Onwards

分类: Belts , Hoses & Pulleys 当前有货 (数量:3)
RM 420.00 欲了解更多详情,请游览我们的官方网站


AROSPEED Harden Lightening Crankshaft Pulley is different with others Aluminium crank pulley.
It is using 6061 Aluminium and over-coating a harden layer.
This harden effect will protect the pulley and become wear-resisting.
The latest technology that we can let the harden effect to become coloured.
NEW Diamond coat will last longer than Golden Harden more then 30%.

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