
Propolis is the sticky resin that seeps from the buds of some trees and oozes from the bark of other trees, chiefly conifers. The bees gather propolis, sometimes called bee glue, and carry it home in their pollen baskets. They blend it with wax flakes secreted from special glands on their abdomens.
Propolis is used to line the interior of brood cells in preparation for the queen’s laying of eggs, a most important procedure. With its antiseptic properties, this propolis lining ensures a hospital-clan environment for the rearing of brood.
Health Benefits: -
- Antibaterial
- Antifungal
- Antibiotic
- Protective against virus infections (cold, flu, herpes)
- Protect against damage to liver cells, might prevent development of cancer cells
- Protect the body from oxygenfree radical damage.
* 抗菌、抗发炎、抗病毒
* 减轻细菌与病毒对人体细胞的侵袭。
* 增强抗菌活性。
* 预防肠胃炎、感冒、咳嗽、伤风、发烧。
* 治愈割伤、烫伤、烧伤。
* 抗氧化
* 增进细胞组织再生,加快伤口复原。
* 促进新陈代谢。
* 提高免疫系统
* 去除自由基。
* 加强抗体产量与巨噬细胞吞噬能力。
* 降低毛细血管的渗透性、软化血管。
* 降甘油三脂与胆固醇。
* 改善口腔溃疡。
* 使更年期症状消失或减轻。
* 镇痛作用:蜂胶在局部麻醉、镇痛方面也有很好的效果。
* 消炎、止痛、止痒。
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