Nesttrend Fresh Boiled Bird Nest 3 bottle package

Nesttrend Fresh Boiled Bird Nest 3 bottle package

Category: Classic Set Available (Qty:19998) 2 variants are available
Sugar level
Normal sugarLess sugar
121 Solds
Purchasable on official site
RM128.00 - RM128.00 For more information, visit our official website at


Nest Trend Bird’s Nest offers the highest concentration of fully licensed and chemical-free bird’s nest available.

Our bird’s nests are freshly stewed upon order to preserve all the beneficial properties and are shipped out on the same day.

Experience the exceptional quality of our drinks, which boast the highest concentration of fully licensed and chemical-free bird’s nest.

Each 80ml bottle contains only natural ingredients:

Benefits of regularly consuming freshly stewed bird’s nest include:

Storage instructions:

Consumption directions:

Nourish your body and soul with the goodness of Nest Trend Bird’s Nest. Place your order now!

More detail about Golden-Mah Bird's Nest Sdn Bhd
Golden-Mah Bird's Nest Sdn Bhd
Golden-Mah Bird's Nest Sdn Bhd Bird Nest Gift Box Selangor, Pregnancy Supplements Malaysia, Fresh Boiled Bird Nest KL ~ Golden-Mah Bird's Nest Sdn Bhd
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