达仁堂 速效救心丸 150丸 (40mg*50pcs*3) 行气活血祛瘀止痛气滞血瘀冠心病心绞痛

达仁堂 速效救心丸 150丸 (40mg*50pcs*3) 行气活血祛瘀止痛气滞血瘀冠心病心绞痛

Category: Traditional Herbs Out of stock
Purchasable on official site
RM 54.00 For more information, visit our official website at wondershop.com.my


【生产企业】 天津中新药业集团股份有限公司第六中药厂
【药品名称】 速效救心丸
【规格型号】 40mg*60s*3瓶
【药品类型】 中成药
【批准文号】 国药准字Z12020025
【有 效 期】 36 月

【功能主治】 行气活血,祛瘀止痛,增加冠脉血流量,缓解心绞痛。用于气滞血瘀型冠心病,心绞痛。
【用法用量】 含服,一次4-6丸,一日3次;急性发作时,一次10-15丸。
【注意事项】 1、孕妇禁用。 2、寒凝血瘀、阴虚血瘀胸痹心痛不宜单用。 3、有过敏史者慎用、伴有中重度心力衰竭的心肌缺血者慎用。 4、在治疗期间,心绞痛持续发作,宜加用硝酸酯类药。请仔细阅读说明书并遵医嘱使用。

【包装单位】 盒
【主要成份】 川芎、冰片。
【性 状】 本品为棕黄色的滴丸;气凉,味微苦。
【适用人群】 成人
【孕妇及哺乳期妇女用药】 孕妇禁用。
【贮 藏】 密封,置阴凉干燥处。

[Manufacturer] Tianjin Zhongxin Pharmaceutical Group Corporation, Sixth Traditional Chinese Medicine Factory
[Product Name] Su Xiao Jiu Xin Pills (Rapid Acting Heart Relieving Pills)
[Specifications] 40mg60 pills3 bottles
[Category] Traditional Chinese Medicine
[Approval Number] National Drug Approval Number Z12020025
[Shelf Life] 36 months

Promotes circulation of qi and blood, removes stasis, alleviates pain, increases coronary blood flow, and relieves angina. It is used for coronary heart disease and angina pectoris of the qi stagnation and blood stasis type.
[Dosage and Administration]
For regular use: dissolve under the tongue, 4-6 pills per dose, 3 times daily.
For acute episodes: dissolve under the tongue, 10-15 pills per dose.
Not for use during pregnancy.
Not suitable for cold-induced blood stasis, or chest pain caused by yin deficiency and blood stasis as a standalone treatment.
Use with caution in individuals with a history of allergies or those experiencing moderate to severe heart failure due to myocardial ischemia.
During treatment, if angina persists, nitrate drugs should be added. Please read the instructions carefully and use under medical guidance.

[Packaging Unit] Box
[Main Ingredients] Ligusticum Chuanxiong (Chuanxiong) and Borneol (Bingpian).
[Description] This product is a brownish-yellow pill; it has a cooling aroma and a slightly bitter taste.
[Target Audience] Adults
[Pregnancy and Lactation] Prohibited during pregnancy.
[Storage] Keep sealed in a cool, dry place.

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