Spend more time measuring and less time reading manuals. The M2 software can quickly be integrated into your process and accessible to a wide range of users.
Gain access to many of the same powerful features, and intuitive measuring environment, whether using an optical edge equipped system or an externally generated cross hair device. Precise optical edge detection mechanisms provide accurate results as well as access to powerful, industry first, measurement functionality.
Measurement references are easy to define and flexible enough for a broad range of measurement applications. Simple feature measurements can be made in a snap by merely zeroing or pre-setting the current
With the Android® 4.4.2 or later tablet operating system you gain the performance and reliability of a globally recognized software solution as part of your measuring machine package.
Nominal position and dimension values can be entered for features in the list of measured features and deviations will be calculated based on measured values. Actual (A) values are compared to nominal (N) values and resulting deviations are shown. True position errors are also shown for some feature types.
Report contents can include report title, time and date stamps, and all feature measurement result data. Reports can be printed as hard copies to standard Windows compatible printers, or exported as PDF or CSV data files.
Export choices include:
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