Mô tả
Microsoft Excel - Foundation
Course Duration: 1 Day
Who is this course for?
This course is intended for participants who wish to gain the foundational understanding of Microsoft Excel that is necessary to create and work with electronic spreadsheets.
Basic knowledge of Windows is essential with the following pre-requisites:
- Able to manoevre with the mouse - Point, Click, Drag and Double Click
- Able to use the Control Panel
- Able to move the re-size Application Windows
- Able to switch between task applications
Upon completion of this program, participants should be able to:
- Getting started with Microsoft Excel Application
- Identify the elements and interface of Excel
- Perfoming calculations, basic formulas and functions
- Modify worksheet and formatting worksheet
- Printing and managing large workbook
Key Content
Unit 1 - Getting Started with Microsoft Excel
Topic A - Indentify the elements of the Excel interface
- What are spreadsheet, worksheet and workbook
- What are columns, row, cells, and ranges
- The Excel interface
- Navigation Options
Topic B - Creating a new blank workbook
- Create a basic worksheet
- The ribbon
- The backstage view
- Save and save as commands
Unit 2 - Performing Calculation
Topic A: Create formulas in a worksheet
- Excel formulas
- The formula bar
- Elements of an excel formula
- Common mathematical operators
- The order of operations
- Division formula
Unit 3 - Modifying a Worksheet
Topic A: Manipulate Data
- The undo and redo commands
- The Auto Fill feature
- Auto Fill options
- The Transpose option
- Live preview
- The Clear button
Topic B: Insert, Manipulate, and Delete Cells, Columns and Rows
- The Insert and Delete options
- Column Width and Row Height alternation methods
- The Hide and Unhide options
Topic C: Search for and Replace data
- The Find command
- The Replace command
- The Go To command
Tpic D: Spell Check a worksheet
Unit 4 - Formatting a Worksheet
Topic A: Modify Fonts
- Fonts
- The Font Group
- The Format Cells dialog box
- The Format Painter
- Live Preview and Formatting
- The mini toolbar
Topic B: Add borders and colors to cells
- Border Options
- Fill Options
Topic C: Apply Number Formats
- Number formats
- Dragging and dropping cells
- How to cut, copy and paste cells
- How to cut, copy and paste multiple cells
- Using the Clipboard
- Using Paste Special
- Number formats in Excel
- Custom number formats
Topic D: Align Cell Contents
- Alignment Options
- The Indent Commands
- Orientation Options
- The Merge & Center Options
Unit 5 - Printing Workbook Contents
Topic A - Define the Basic Page Layout for a Workbook
- The Print Options in Backstage View
- The Page Setup Dialog Box
- The Print Preview Option
- Headers and Footers
- Page Margins
- Margins Tab Options
- Page Orientation
Topic B - Refine the Page Layout and Apply Print Options
- Zoom Options
- Page Breaks
- Page Breaks Options
- The Print Area
- Print Titles
- Scaling Options
Unit 6 - Managing Large Workbooks
Topic A - Format Worksheet Tabs
- Renaming Worksheet Tabs
- Changing Tab Color
Topic B - Manage Worksheets
- Repositioning Worksheets
- Inserting or Deleting Worksheets
- Hiding and Unhiding Worksheets
- Worksheet References in Formulas
Informative presentation, group discussion and presentations, hands on practical session
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