Mô tả
The 20/30 PV™ Microspectrophotometer sets a new standard for UV-visible-NIR microspectroscopy. The cutting-edge technology of the 20/30 PV™ allows the user to take both spectra and images of microscopic sample areas by absorbance, reflectance, Raman, fluorescence and other types of luminescence. With a spectral range from the deep ultraviolet to the near infrared for both imaging and spectroscopy, advanced spectral and image analysis software, automation features, ease-of-use and long-term reliability.
Confocal spectroscopy of even sub-micron samples
Multiple spectroscopy techniques combined in one instrument
Multiple imaging techniques all in a single UV-vis-NIR microscope
Permanently calibrated, absolutely reproducible measurement areas
Dual Reflectance and Transmittance Calibration Standards traceable to NIST
Forensic Science – Paint and Paint Chips
Evidence located at a crime scene are microscopic smears or chips of paint. Comparing the dyes and pigments contained within the known and questioned paint samples is one of the most important tasks of the forensic scientist.
Forensic Science – Textile fibers
One of the most common types of evidence located at a crime scene are textile fibers. Comparing the dyes and pigments contained within the known and questioned fiber samples is one of the most important tasks of the forensic scientist. Even nominally clear or undyed samples can be analyzed as they often have distinguishing UV or NIR characteristics that would not be visible to the human eye.
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