Mô tả
Kjeldahl method for determining nitrogen
The behr program for the determination of nitrogen using the Kjeldahl method provides the user individually configurable complete solutions for the laboratory.
Digestion units
Kjeldahl block digestion systems
Block digestion systems with high-quality corrosion-resistant block housing made of stainless steel. Manual or with automatic lift.
- High-efficiency heating and extraction hood with exhaust collector
- behr single-knob control for particularly easy and fast programming
- Menu navigation in national language
- 25 freely configurable programs for block temperature and digestion time
- Applications can be saved
Standard systems
Micro-Kjeldahl systems
Infrared digestion systems
The digestion units of the behrotest® InKjel series are equipped with efficient quartz glass infrared heating. Apart from the traditional series with energy control, there is a fully equipped series of appliances for temperature-controlled digestion.
The quality and positioning of the behr infrared heaters guarantees the user identical heating phases and digestion temperatures on all sample slots. This also applies to double-rowed arrangement in insert racks for 12 samples.
Direct sample heating by the infrared heaters prevents the agonisingly long heating and cooling times of conventional heating block systems.
The behrotest® InKjel is therefore the ideal rapid digestion system for the determination of nitrogen using the Kjeldahl method and other high-temperature digestion tests.
The two-stage behrosog scrubber – pre-separator plus safety stage – prevents any acid fumes whatsoever from reaching the environment.
Titration stations
The behrotest® STI manual titration station or an automatic titrator ensure reliable, safe and fast titration for completion of the nitrogen determination.
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