DR.INVISIBLE Natural Bad Bugs Repellent Spray, the revolutionary Natural Bad Bugs Repellent Spray formulated with 100% ALL NATURAL INGREDIENTS. DrMos combines Mother Earth's gifted elements with cutting-edge Science to create INVISIBLE, a delicate solution suitable even for baby skin.
Crafted with care, DrMos has meticulously selected IFRA standard pure essential oils and natural ingredients to formulate INVISIBLE. This exceptional repellent works by blocking the host-odor receptor in mosquitoes' olfactory systems, making it impossible for them to detect the host odor attractant. No scent, no sight, no bites!
Tested for efficacy and safety by USM, DR.INVISIBLE offers protection for up to 2 hours, effectively repelling not only mosquitoes but also Bad Bugs such as Bed bugs, Dust Mites, cockroaches, ants, and more.
Efficacy test by USM shows that DR.INVISIBLE can effectively protect users from mosquito bites for up to 2 hours and repels Bad bugs like Bed bugs, Dust Mites, cockroaches, ants, etc.DR.INVISIBLE 害虫驱虫喷雾 采用100%纯天然成分配制而成。
DR.INVISIBLE 是DrMos®结合了地球的天然成分和科学所配制. 公司研究团队严选IFRA标准纯精油和天然成分所配制出来的DR.INVISIBLE 非常细腻,适合用于婴儿皮肤。
众所周知,尘螨和臭虫专吃人类脱落的皮肤组织,它们可以在温暖潮湿的环境中茁壮成长。在大多数家庭中,床上用品、软垫家具和地毯等物品为尘螨提供了理想的环境。经研究证明,DR.INVISIBLE 不但可以驱除臭虫、尘螨、蟑螂等还可以有效的不让蚊子靠近你。DR.INVISIBLE 是您最好的旅行伴侣 - 它可以喷洒在行李箱、酒店床铺、座椅、椅子等处。
研究证明DR.INVISIBLE 通过阻断蚊子嗅觉系统中的寄主气味受体作用,因此蚊子无法嗅到寄主气味引诱物。使蚊子无法察觉到您的气味,也就无法靠近你。它看不见你,也就无法叮咬你.
USM 的功效测试表明, DR.INVISIBLE 可以有效保护用户免受蚊虫叮咬长达 2 小时,并驱除其他害虫,如臭虫、螨虫、蟑螂、蚂蚁等。
DR.INVISIBLE 也含有抗菌剂功效,可用于清洁您的手、床、椅子、汽车座椅、马桶等。
DR.INVISIBLE 天然香精气味,可用来清新空间并提升您和家人舒服愉快的心情.
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