As some solid matter in webermix GT mix I may settle during storage, it is essential to stir well before use in temperature lower than 4°C
Allow adhesive bed to set, usually 24 – 48 hours before grouting commences. Joints must be dry and free of contaminants ie. Loose particles, dust, laitance etc
webermix GT mix I is ready to use; therefore does not require further addition of water
Cement-based grout modified with webermix GT mix I, should be applied in the normal approved procedure (similar as when mixed with water only)
Apply grout to small areas at a time & completely fill the joints with a rubber squeegee or grout float
The working time (pot life) of grout modified with webermix GT mix I may be reduced slightly. The drying time may also be shorter, particularly where higher concentration of admixture is used.
The finish colour shade of cement-based grout mix with water may not be similar compared to those mixed with webermix GT mix I.
For uniform colour, ensure that the same mix proportions is used throughout the installation