Mô tả
Rumah Sakit
Fokus Prosedur
- Balloon Sinuplasty: Balon Sinuplasti
- Otologic Diseases and Surgery: Penyakit dan Bedah Otologi
- Percutaneous Tracheostomy: Trakeostomi Perkutan
Kondisi Terawat
- Ear, nose, throat, head and neck disorders, Sinusitis
Keanggotaan dan Asosiasi
- Member, Academy of Medicine Malaysia, since 2001
- Member, board of postgraduate study of otorhinolaryngology, Ministry of Health
- MalaysiaBoard Member (Credentialling Sub committee) Board of Specialist register in otorhinolarygology
- Academy of Medicine, MalaysiaMember
- Ministry of Health Study of Otitis Media in ChildrenMember
- Society of Otolaryngologist and Head and Neck Surgeons
Pelatihan Klinis Pascasarjana
- Otorhinolaryngology
- National Specialist Register Malaysia, 2007
- Fellow, Royal College of Surgeons Edinburgh 1983, FRCS (Edin)
- Fellow, Royal College of Surgeons Glasgow, 1983, FRCS (Glasg)
- Clinical Assistant, ENT Department, Royal Infirmary Edinburgh, 1981 – 83
- PLAB (UK) – Professional Linguistic Assesment Board, United Kingdom, 1981
- Visiting Fellow in Otolaryngology, Royal Infirmary Edinburgh and City Hospital Edinburgh , 1991 – 92
Sertifikasi Dewan
- Otolaryngology, United Kingdom, 1983Surgery, United Kingdom, 1983Otolaryngology (ENT), Malaysia, 2007
- Awarded the Sultan Iskandar Foundation Scholarship to studay Otology in Edinburgh, , 1992 -93
Sekolah medis
- University of Cairo, MBBS (Hons), Egypt , 1976
- MBBS (Hons) (Cairo)
- FRCS (Edin)
- FRCS (Glasg)
- AM (Mal)
Jadwal Pratek
Senin |
08:30 - 13:00 & 14:00 - 17:00
Selasa |
08:30 - 13:00 & 14:00 - 17:00
Rabu |
08:30 - 13:00 & 14:00 - 17:00
Kamis |
08:30 - 13:00 & 14:00 - 17:00
Jumat |
08:30 - 13:00 & 14:00 - 17:00
Sabtu |
08:30 - 13:00
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