A specially developed premium multi-purpose lithium complex grease for lubricating all anti-friction and plain bearings for use in industrial and automotive applications. The grease has shown exceptional performance providing extended lubrication intervals over a wide operating temperate range.
Main application: For use on bearings, bushings, and linkages on machinery equipment, particularly where high pressure and loads, high temperatures, and water spray occur.
High operating temperature range (-20 °C to 180 °C)
Exceptional mechanical stability extends re-lubrication intervals
Excellent oxidation stability provides lasting lubrication at high temperatures
Excellent EP (Extreme Pressure) and anti-wear performance
Good corrosion resistance protects components operating in wet condition
#Australia #NewZealand #Malaysia #马来西亚 #マレーシア #Lubtex #SpecialtyLubricants #ExtremeHighTemperatureGrease #多用途锂矿物油 #多目的リチウム鉱油 #TEXGREASE