NGM-21 Cordless Monitor
Acts as a room controller within a bed management system, signaling pause & reset of alarms
Reset button on monitor face
Pause Mode – prevent alarms for 3 mins to allow a caregiver to tend the patient
Sleep Mode – deactivate the alarm if bed occupant does not require fall management
Low battery indication
Input lost indication
Tamper proof reset option using caregiver key
Choice of tones and volume
Delay settings 0, 2s & 15 mins
Port to connect with nurse call system
Comes with mounting bracket & hanger strap
WMBP-20 Cordless Under-mattress Bed Pad
Triggers alarm when pressure is released
30” x 10” (76 x 25cm)
Works beneath most mattresses. Removes the discomfort created by over-the-mattress pads
Fits onto the center panel of most care beds
Invisible to users, provides non-intrusive bed monitoring
Lower hygiene risk than standard sensor pad
Must work with our wireless transmitter (TM-11)
TM-11 Cordless Pad Transmitter

What is inside the package:
1 x NGM-21 Cordless Monitor (1 to 9 devices)
1 x TM-11 Cordless Transmitter
1 x WMBP-2- Cordless Under-mattress Bed Pad