Tisseel, [Fibrin Sealant] Frozen Solution

Tisseel, [Fibrin Sealant] Frozen Solution

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Baxter AG
Per mL of component 1 Human fibrinogen 91 mg, aprotinin 3,000 KIU. Per mL of component 2 Human thrombin 500 IU, Ca chloride 40 micromol
Hemostasis improvement; tissue glue to improve wound healing or to support sutures in vascular surgery & GI anastomoses; tissue sealing to improve adhesion of the separated tissue eg, tissue flaps, grafts, split skin grafts (mesh grafts).
Individualized dosage ranging from 4-20 mL. Surfaces gluing 2 mL for at least 10 cm2 area.
Drug interaction
Denaturation after exposure to soln containing alcohol, iodine or heavy metals (eg, antiseptic soln).

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