100% 棕油仔有机蜡烛

100% 棕油仔有机蜡烛

分类: 沉香隔火熏香陶瓷炉 当前有货 (数量:150)
100% Palm Oil Organic Candles 100% 棕油仔有机蜡烛100 pcs10 pcs
17 已售出
2 Reviews
RM15.00 - RM50.00 欲了解更多详情,请游览我们的官方网站 agarwoodaura.com


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oBurning period: approximately 4-5 hours.
Ingredient: Organic Palm Oil
&Weight (/pcs): approximately 12 grams
Diameter (/pcs): 4cm*1.5cm
Made in Malaysia.
MEU export quality.
1. Please light the candle under supervision and extinguish before going to bed or when no one is around.
2. Keep away from flammable objects (e.g. curtains, sofas etc.) and store in a cool place, do not expose to sunlight.
3. Do not consume and keep out of reach of children/ pets. 
4. Please be cautious of getting scalded when the candle is lit, the outer casing is made of aluminum. Candle holders are recommended.

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